decoder for lightning payment
                                               These are several samples  of lightning channeling.
  • Onion-style routing: payment routing information can be encrypted in a nested fashion so that intermediary nodes only know who they received a routable payment from and who to send it to next, preventing those intermediary nodes from knowing who the originator or destination is (provided the intermediaries didn't compare records).
  • Multisignature capable: each party can require that their payments into the channel be signed by multiple keys, giving them access to additional security techniques.
  • Securely cross blockchains: payments can be routed across more than one blockchain (including altcoins and sidechains) as long as all the chains support the same hash function to use for the hash lock, as well as the ability the ability to create time locks.
  • Sub-satoshi payments: payments can be made conditional upon the outcome of a random event, allowing probabilistic payments. For example, Alice can pay Bob 0.1 satoshi by creating a 1-satoshi payment with 10-to-1 odds so that 90% of the time she does this she pays him 0 satoshis and 10% of the time she pays him 1 satoshi for an average payment of 0.1 satoshis.
  • Single-funded channels: when Alice needs to send a payment to Bob and doesn't currently have a way to pay him through the Lightning Network (whether because she can't reach him or because she doesn't have enough money in an existing channel), she can make a regular on-chain payment that establishes a channel without Bob needing to add any of his funds to the channel. Alice only uses 12 bytes more than she would for a non-Lightning direct payment and Bob would only need about 25 more segwit virtual bytes to close the channel than he would had he received a non-Lightning direct payment.


channel opener